Shire Services
The Shire Administration Office is Located at 58 Johnston Street.
The Administration building accommodates the Council Chambers and Committee Room.
Additionally the Shire:
- Operates the Dalwallinu Discovery Centre. This building accommodates the Shire's Library, Dalwallinu's Tourist Information, Performing Arts room and Kitchen, Dalwallinu Community Resource Centre with teleconference room and facilities. The second story is currently leased by Dalwallinu Haulage.
For booking of any of these facilities, download this facility booking form.
- Provides the following collections on a fee for service basis:
- a recycling collection – twice monthly.
- a waste collection – once weekly.
See Council Rates section for Recycling Calendar in your area.
In addition, an annual kerb side bulk collection is provided.
- Maintains the Sewerage Scheme - click here for current Customer Service Charter for Wastewater Services. (Sewerage Service application form)
- Operates two waste management sites, Dalwallinu and Kalannie
- Operates and maintains recreational facilities in the area, including the Aquatic Centre & Recreational facilities. Click on each town to see what Council Facilities we have there: Dalwallinu, Pithara, Wubin, Buntine, Kalannie.
- If you wish to organise an event using Council Facilities including Parks please fill in an Event Application form and return to Doug Burke, Manager Planning and Development Services . Application forms are Available from the Shire Offices or by clicking here.
The Shire is also actively involved in Community Development with a focus on economy, enterprise, community and culture and employs a full time Economic & Community Development Officer, Jo Jones.
The following can be paid at the Shire:
St John Ambulance Subscriptions
The Shire is an agent for St John Ambulance.
Department of Transport - Licensing
The Shire is an agent for DOT (Licensing). All vehicle and drivers licence renewals and transfers can be paid at the shire office. Other licensing transactions such as change of plates, custom plate orders, new registrations, overseas transfers etc can also be processed at the Shire. See Licensing for more information.
Cat Registrations
All cat renewals can be paid at the shire office. Prices can be found here.
Dog Registrations
All dog renewals can be paid at the shire office. Prices can be found here
Shire Rates
Rate notices are sent out 35 days prior to and an early bird discount applies. If you are a holder of a concession card granted by Centrelink you may also be eligible for a reduction on your rates.
Please contact the Shire for more information.
Building Planning & Application Fees
All fees are based on percentage depending on the value of the work to be conducted.
If you need any further information regarding Building please go to
Here you will be able to find:
- Building Permit Application Forms
- Demolition Permit Application Forms
- Information of How to Become an Owner Builder
- Information for Swimming Pool Owners
- Checklists for Building a new Home
- And much more
Payment made by cash, cheque or credit card (Visa and Mastercard only).