Explore Wildflowers
Dalwallinu is part of a world famous Western Australian tourist routes through wildflower country. Within 100kms of Dalwallinu is the largest density of Wattle (Acacia) species to be found anywhere in the world. They flower most of the year but blooming reaches its maximum during the months of August and September. From July to October each year, thousands of wildflower enthusiasts make the journey to enjoy our beautiful wildflowers, including the unusual Wreath Flower.
Wildflower Locations
These locations are prepared from sightings during an average season. Variations can occur from time to time as some flowers disappear but are often replaced by others. During the Wildflower season, please refer to Wildflower Reports which will give further information on what is happening at each location in the area.
Remember most remnant pieces of bush will have some flowers. Some will be visible from your vehicle, but many will not. We encourage you to stop in a safe place and take a look.
Happy Hunting!!
Dalwallinu Townsite

Petrudor Rocks

Located 33kms east from Pithara. As you turn off Pithara East Road there is a good stand of Wattles on your right. As you turn left to Petrudor Rock and proceed on there are usually patches of Everlastings each side of the road. Wattles surround the pool area with different species flowering when in season. Gnarled Kunzea occurs in cracks of granite rocks. Walk around top of the rocks to find Orchids, Rainbow plants and grevilleas flowering during the season.
Xantippe Water Tank & Catchment
Located 33kms east from Dalwallinu. Wildflowers and lovely picnic spot. Wattles, Everlastings, Orchids and Boronia in spring.
Wubin Rocks
Located 7kms from Wubin on Great Northern Highway (sign).
Entry to and exit from the Rocks is via Manuel Road. White, pink and yellow Everlastings, plus Orchids, Pimelea and Wattles.
Buntine Rock
Located 3kms from Buntine on Buntine East Road. Area surrounding rock – Everlastings, several types of Orchids, Wattles and Melaleucas.
Mia Moon Reserve
Located 27kms from Dalwallinu. From Dalwallinu turn left off Great Northern Highway onto the Nugadong West Road. Turn left at T Junction and continue past Sanders Road. From Wubin take the Gunyidi-Wubin Road.
Turn left at the wildflower sign, park and walk around granite outcrop to Gnamma Hole (east end of granite outcrop). Walk into the bush a little way. Everlastings and several varieties of Orchids.
Jibberding Reserve
Just past Rabbit Proof Fence Road take track on right (at an angle). Drive through back to Great Northern Highway. Towards the end of the track there are pink, white and yellow Everlastings.
Goodlands Road
Showings of Wreath Lechenaultia up to 20kms from Great Northern Highway.
Wildflower Locations Map