21 Rolinson Drive, Kalannie, WA, 6468
Cr Harms began her teaching career in Kalannie in 2007, after studying as a mature age student. She worked in Kalannie for 8 years, 4 1/2 of those as Principal of Kalannie Primary School. In 2005 she began working at Dalwallinu DHS as Deputy Principal. This has afforded her the opportunity to be part of two communities in the Shire.
She is passionate about her local community and has always been actively involved in volunteering. She currently holds the position of President of the Kalannie Sporting & Recreation Club (Inc.). The hub of all our sporting associations and community groups.
Melissa wants to be a voice for smaller towns and a supporter of growth and development throughout the Dalwallinu Shire. Cr Harms was elected to Council in 2019.