Rubbish and Recycling Service

Ratepayer, Tennant or Agent's Contact Details

Ratepayer, Tennant or Agent's Contact Details

Contact Number

Contact Number

Property details where bin changes are required if different from above

Property details where bin changes are required if different from above.

Service/s Changes

Service/s Changes

Is this a new property?
Please write a number of services required/removed in table below

Please write a number of services required/removed below.

Service: Rubbish Domestic


Services - After Table - Text

+ Under the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2007 all properties must have a least one rubbish and recycling service.
** Please complete Replacement Bin/s section below

Replacement Bin/s

Has your rubbish/recycling service gone missing and needs replacement?
The rubbish/recycling service has been damaged and needs repairs/replacement?
Acknowledgement Text

I acknowledge that I am the Ratepayer or Agent of the property and accept there maybe fees for the above changes

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