Payment of Rates

A discount of 5% is offered to those that pay their rates in full by close of business on the due date. If payment has not been made by that date and the four-instalment option plan not taken up and adhered to, a penalty interest rate of 7% will apply (calculated daily until paid).
Council offers a four-instalment option for those who do not wish to pay their rates in full by the due date. If you take up the instalment option a fee of $38.00 will be divided over the 2nd, 3rd & 4th instalments, plus 5.5% interest on outstanding instalment after the rates due date.
Where no election has been made to enter into an Instalment Option or alternative arrangements made, and where Rates and Service Charges remain outstanding 35 days after the date of issue, Legal Action may be taken for their recovery. All costs associated with the Legal Action are recoverable from the Ratepayer and will be added to the rates assessment.
eRates - Receive your rates by Email
Things to be aware of before applying:
- If you are not the Owner or Agent for the Property, you are not eligible to register.
- There can only be ONE email address for each notice.
- If there is more than one owner of the property and other owner/s apply to receive an electronic notice, the eRates system will by default send the notice to the last registered email address.
- Once the registration is processed by the rates officer, you will receive a confirmation email.
Benefits of eRates
- Quicker way to receive your annual rates notices (final notices and instalments are not available via eRates)
- Ease while travelling for a long time, on holiday or living overseas.
- You still get your notice if you have moved and forgot to update your postal address.
To receive your eRates Notice by email please follow these prompts to complete the registration form.
Easy ways to pay your Account
It is the ratepayer’s responsibility to ensure all payments are received at the Shire by the due date to receive the discount.
By Bpay
Contact your bank or financial institution to make this payment via your cheque, savings, debit, credit card or transaction account.
The Biller Code and Reference are written on your Rates Notice, PLEASE NOTE each assessment has a unique Reference and separate transactions are required for each assessment.
Please allow 1 - 2 working days for your deposit to reach our account.
By Electronic Funds Transfer
Please contact the Shire Administration to discuss this option on 9661 0500.
By Mail
Detach slip at bottom of notice and make cheque/money order payable to:
Shire of Dalwallinu
PO Box 141
Please allow time for postage
In Person
Shire of Dalwallinu Administration Office, 58 Johnston Street, Dalwallinu
Between the hours of 8.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday
Cash, EFTPOS or cheques are accepted. Cheques must be made out to the Shire of Dalwallinu
By Phone
Credit card payments are accepted by phone.
Phone: 08 9661 0500
Please quote your assessment number/s as a reference.
If you are unable to pay your rates in full or by the four-instalment option due to financial hardship, you can apply to the Shire for a special arrangement. However, there will be an administration fee and penalty interest will accrue at a rate of 7%, added to your assessment.